Wednesday, March 11, 2009

My New Career

So you may or may not know that I am not djing anymore. I don't really know how long I am taking a break from it for. It was getting to be to much like work and Wednesday is my busiest day of the week with out adding into it the djing. I was quite happy to step aside when Dehrynn found a new dj to take over for me. My new job is perfect for me. I am working as a mannequin for Chester's new store. I don't get paid but it just requires me to be motionless and not think, two things I excel at.


  1. Your career to date has traced a path that many could barely aspire to follow.

  2. You'll have to do guest DJ spots - its in the contract. And yes, signing in crayon counts. You didn't fool anyone by signing it "richard nixon" either.
    You do excel at being a manniquin.. and though freaky, it added the right amount of weirdness to Xavier's Wednesday night debut.
    I'll miss your DJing, Finn. But you made the right call by making sure you didn't grow to hate it before you stepped back.
    Smart man.
    Oh, you did well turning away the vampire invasion too. Throwing Chester to them as an offering was a stroke of self-preservation genius. It turns out they didn't want him as a snackfood, they just wanted his underwear.
