Monday, March 9, 2009

Chester's further adventures in Wonderland?

I have seen a cat without a grin but a grin without a cat?

Once again Chester went down the rabbit hole. He always encounters the most interesting characters. It does make one wonder what sorts of hallucinogenic mushrooms he is eating. And why does he spend so much time standing on plywood? And really what is with those ears. Did he escape from Pleasure Island with Pinnochio before the transformation to donkey was completed.


  1. Truly, there is no logic to be had for this plywood issue - I mean really. Any self-respecting adventurer would know that plywood is a sure sign of a classic Star Trek, or Dr Who episode.. and not to be revisited, unless amazing computer enhanced special effects are used to bring it up to modern standards.. Come on Ches.. get with the program!

  2. Perhaps the plywood is like the Tardis for Chester
