Monday, March 30, 2009

Sitting back and watching the weirdos

Sometimes I just don't feel like dancing around like a puppet to an animation script. Which reminds me we really need to change out the dances on the dance barrel. they were picked way back in the days of Phucket Cove which is a business I would just as soon not have any memories of. Anyway, before I go off on that unpleasant tangent, back to my subject. I love, as my loyal readers know, the Wharf Rats. They are some of the coolest, weirdest, most fun loving people around. 

Some of them often show up dressed in the oddest costumes. there are some very obvious characters in this group. mtd1952 timeless is a classic example of a guy who loves to dress up and more frequently down. The other night he arrived at the Wharf dressed as a 17th fop having just come from a party celebrating Elton John's birthday. He was wearing a powdered wig that was about 5 times the size of his avatar. It was truly original and inspired. 
Dodgeguy Woodward was around at one point this week as the gigantic staypuff marshmallow man of Ghostbuster's fame.

And then the other night Sebastiaan and I were shape shifting through many shapes and sizes of avatars but my favourite one, pictured above, was the greenies alien. Greenies makes the coolest stuff. 
The inspiration of people never ceases to amaze me and some nights it is just fun to sit back and watch the parade. I think this has inspired me to have a costume contest one night. 

And back to Greenies ... I bought the coolest skybox from there. Once I get it all set up I will take some pictures and post them here. 

Monday, March 23, 2009

It isn't even gilded

I was visiting one of my sims today. Every time I go there is something new that catches my eye, like the bird cage. I felt safe as the canary was fleeing and not in a hurry to eat a little green faerie. If you haven't been to Greenies and the Rezzable sims then get there.

And if you haven't been to the Wharf recently, you haven't been to the Wharf. Get here too.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Esmiel Posthorn

I had the privilege of hosting the 'the made of awesomeness' Esmiel when he DJd at the Wharf on Friday at noon. He is really a great dj and plays great music. I have no idea why more people don't show up for his sets. Many great artists are not recognized and appreciated in their own lifetimes. Anyway, if you are in worlds on Fridays at noon and you don't come to hear him play then you are just punishing yourself, and not in a good fun way.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Divine Intervention

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Running on the Spot

Do you ever get the feeling like you are running and not getting anywhere?  I know I do. It is weird. The Wharf is a huge success but but our numbers are dropping. Fortunately for us, all the ones who come regularly are some of the best people in my sl experience. I am at a loss as to what to do to prevent more loss and also how to grow the business. Yes ... I am looking for ideas. We have have some awesome new stores and fun games for your entertainment and pleasure and hopefully profit.

What I would really like is some constructive ideas what we can do to make the wharf experience more fun for the regulars and also attract new regulars. If you have any suggestions, please leave a comment here or drop me a note card in world.

I spent most of the day in the dark recovering or trying to recover from a migraine. This was the worst one I have ever had EVER! As a result I was not in-world at most of the events at The Love Shack and Abduction. I always feel I am letting people down by not showing up but sometimes life gets in the way. 

Thursday, March 12, 2009

The Most Serene Spot in Serenus

A while back, Chester built this spot on a whim and it is one of my favourite places on the grid. It is somewhere one one of our sims. I am not going to tell you where, you will have to find it for yourself. It is a great place to bring your trick, date, boyfriend, girlfriend, husband or wife for a romantic get away. Make sure you have your sound on so you can hear the bird and waves etc. Find it and let me know what you think.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

My New Career

So you may or may not know that I am not djing anymore. I don't really know how long I am taking a break from it for. It was getting to be to much like work and Wednesday is my busiest day of the week with out adding into it the djing. I was quite happy to step aside when Dehrynn found a new dj to take over for me. My new job is perfect for me. I am working as a mannequin for Chester's new store. I don't get paid but it just requires me to be motionless and not think, two things I excel at.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Almost every night I ask Chester "What are we gonna do tonight, Brain? *NARF*" and he almost always responds, "What we do everynight Pinky. Plan to take over the grid." 
Obviously we fail in this every night in a comical cartoonish way. But we keep trying. *NARF*

Monday, March 9, 2009

Chester's further adventures in Wonderland?

I have seen a cat without a grin but a grin without a cat?

Once again Chester went down the rabbit hole. He always encounters the most interesting characters. It does make one wonder what sorts of hallucinogenic mushrooms he is eating. And why does he spend so much time standing on plywood? And really what is with those ears. Did he escape from Pleasure Island with Pinnochio before the transformation to donkey was completed.

I ain't no chicken.

I just stared the bad old puddy tat down. I have spent so much time in numerous different avatars lately I hardly remember my normal shape. This bad owl is one of my favourites. If you like him you can find it on SLStreet. Renn Yifu (no relation to Snippy) is the creator. He has some awesome avatars. I have a whole mess of his stuff.
I was dancing at the Love Shack this afternoon in my Boxie avatar and all of a sudden Esmi was dancing next to me in the same one and then Mike joined in. The both found it on SLstreet by inspecting me. It was very fun but I think we may have caused some people seizures, which is kind of funny, well not for them.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Partners meeting

So Chester requested we have a meeting yesterday. On the agenda was who exactly was in charge of our sims. the meeting didn't last long. Chester is a tough little elf and I am just glad he wasn't wearing stiletto heels (It wasn't a weekend). As usual I backed down and he got his way. So if you have any complaints or questions about the SRG you know who to go to.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


buster Naxos
I don't know or care much about fashion. But some people just stand out. Buster is one of them. he always seems to be dressed in something fun and outlandish but carries it off. It must be something to do with being french. 
buster is one of the great assets at the Wharf and other Serenus Venues. His sense of humour, wacky behaviour and sweet personality make sure everyone has a great time whether they want to or not. It is really easy to forgive him for his constant gaffs welcoming people to the Wharf when at Abduction or to the Love Shack while hosting at The Wharf. What would we do without him. He is quickly becoming one of my favourite people.
Buster performs regularly at the Wharf, Abduction and The Love Shack.

Always be sure you eat the right side of the mushroom

This is what happens when you eat from the wrong side of the mushroom while indoors. 

This gives me an idea for an entire region dedicated to Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass. ... Or maybe not. I don't know if I want to spend all my time as a bunny in a waist coat running around worrying about the time. It is bad enough as it is now. And i am not sure Esmi would agree to being the Queen of Hearts even though he could be ordering decapitations of everyone who displeased him. Can you see Kaj and Mal as Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum? Buster would be perfect as the Cheshire Cat. 
I could go on and on for minutes like this. I promise I won't. Maybe in the next post.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Curiouser and curiouser

[0:20]  Chester Howley: u dork

[0:21]  Finnegan Chesnokov: yeah

[0:22]  Chester Howley: this is rediculous

[0:22]  Finnegan Chesnokov: Yeah ... ain't it

[0:22]  Chester Howley: im a 23 year old participating in a virtual tea party -_-

[0:23]  Finnegan Chesnokov: I am a 43 year old doing the same

[0:23]  Chester Howley: we really are societies outcasts arent we

[0:23]  Finnegan Chesnokov: truly

[0:23]  Chester Howley: we're not fit to be around other people

[0:23]  Finnegan Chesnokov: if you click the teapot ... it will give you tea

[0:24]  Chester Howley sighs and clicks

[0:24]  Finnegan Chesnokov: I wonder who will blog this first

[0:24]  Chester Howley: i already have pictures

[0:25]  Finnegan Chesnokov: lol ... me too

[0:25]  Chester Howley: lol

Yeah ... see ... all the interesting stuff in sl goes on after you all go to bed.