Well I must say I am starting to enjoy Second Life a bit more again. It all comes down to balancing my time. It seems kind of obvious but time moves by so quickly while you are waiting for some half wit to type out a coherent sentence. Sometimes I have noticed it takes about a quarter of an hour for some people to say hello ask ask how you are. I would like to credit them with perhaps being victims of the notorious SL chat lag but really deep down I am aware that they are just slow.
Oops ... I ranted. Back to my point. Second Life can take up a lot of your time if you don't pay attention to it. I have lost perhaps months of time in slow chats or waiting for someone to come back from being AFK (Away From Keyboard). I sit and wait politely for them to return while twiddling my thumbs. Now I think if some one goes AFK I will just get on with my life. I don't need to sit around and wait for things to happen. No more painfully slow IM conversations for me. If I am bored or otherwise not interested I am just gonna move on, log off or walk away.
For real nonsense you need to read Chester's blog. With every post he seems to find something even weirder (usually him) to photograph and post. I would post the link here but I am trying to keep my posts PG and his last picture ... well it just isn't right. Oh okay ... since you insist.
Chester is just bent.. what a wonderful thought XD